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L’Associació ESCOLA DE MÚSICA LLIURE / FREE MUSIC SCHOOL és un cant a l’art com a medi per la transformació, la coneixença, la revolució i l’amistat transgeneracional. Vol i és un punt de trobada per artistes (músics, ballarins, fotògrafs, sketchers, pintors, escultors, xamans, viticultors,...) on es canalitza la reflexió i la passió per crear noves experiències socials, polítiques i revolucionàries.
The FREE MUSIC SCHOOL Association is a song in art as a medium for transformation, knowledge, revolution and transgenerational friendship. It is a meeting point for artists (musicians, dancers, photographers, sketchers, painters, sculptors, shamans, winegrowers,...) where reflection and passion are channeled to create new social, political and revolutionary experiences.
Homage For My Dance Teacher Dr. Linda James
Homenatge a la meva professora de dansa, la Dra. Linda James
Un clavo saca otro clavo (Po"poeta) es una historia de amor entre dos hombres en pandemia. Una historia corta pero intensa que llevará al lector a plantearse cuestiones sobre el amor propio y el ajeno, en un momento trascendental de la historia de la humanidad como fue la pandemia por Covid-19, para la que pocos estábamos preparados. Una novela escrita del tirón, con pequeñas ediciones posteriores, que genera un impacto emocional en quien la lee.
INVITATION: Detalles de la invitación para DANZANDO MANIFESTACIÓN de la artista visual Cinita Sefirelly.
INVITATION: Cecilia Bellorín.
INVITATION for the January 27, 2024 premiere screening of the film “El Limbo Y La Fortuna” designed by Gabriel Venzi.
Trailer for the documentary film “Avec un Sourire, La Révolution!”
Església de Santa Madrona, Poble Sec, BCN
Festa de Sant Sebastià
Dedicat a l'amistat i a la nostra amiga Trini.PART I
Eres Reina De Los Cielos
Laura Garcimartin, veu
Manuel Del Rincón, pianoEnglish Suite No. 2 A Minor - Sarabande de J.S. Bach
Manuel Del Rincón, pianoLove in Outer Space de Sun Ra
Manuel Del Rincón, pianoTapestry From an Asteroid de Sun Ra
Manuel Del Rincón, pianoAuf der Donau de Franz Schubert
Guillaume Frey, veu
Manuel Del Rincón, pianoQue Nadie Vaya A Llorar de Manuel Molina
Manuel Del Rincón, piano
Canon in D Major de Johann Pachelbel
Mercedes Aguilar, piano
Rodica Stanculescu, violinAir on the G String de Johann Sebastian Bach
Mercedes Aguilar, piano
Rodica Stanculescu, violinSonata in C Minor de Giovanni Battista Pescetti
- Allegro
- Lento
- Presto
Mercedes Aguilar, piano
Rodica Stanculescu, violinTres Canciones Sacras de Mercedes Aguilar
1. La Tormenta
2. Oración De La Tarde
3. Ante El Sagrario
Mercedes Aguilar, piano i veuAlbinoni's Adagio de Remo Giazotto
Mercedes Aguilar, piano
Rodica Stanculescu, violinMéditation (Thaïs) de Jules Massenet
Mercedes Aguilar, piano
Rodica Stanculescu, violinFIN
Pare Pere Carulla, David Flores, Ferran Font, La família Hart, Caroline Kruythoff.
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Uneix-te a nosaltres per a 'Un Festí de Música' en celebració de la Festivitat de Sant Sebastià a l'església de Santa Madrona a Poble Sec. Dissabte 20 de gener a les 7:45 de la tarda, aquest esdeveniment està organitzat pels amics de l'associació cultural Free Music School (Escola de Música Lliure), amb base al Poble Sec. Abraça la calidesa d'aquesta trobada musical amb una aportació voluntària: Paga el que puguis — obert a tothom. És una invitació a compartir sons i melodies, en una celebració dedicada a la nostra amiga Trini. Uneix-te a nosaltres per a una vetllada d'amistat, compartint col·lectivament l'esperit d'aquest festí musical.
Join us for 'A Feast of Music' in celebration of the Feast of Saint Sebastian at Santa Madrona Church in Poble Sec, Barcelona. Taking place on Saturday, January 20 at 7:45 pm, this event is orchestrated by the friends of the forever forming cultural association Free Music School, also based in Poble Sec. Embrace the warmth of this musical gathering with a Pay-What-You-Can approach—open to all. It's an invitation to commune through harmonious melodies, extending to everyone in a celebration dedicated to our friend Trini. Join us for an evening of friendship, as we collectively share in the spirit of this musical feast.
“Every person deserves the same care and attention that we currently direct towards monuments and masterpieces – and should for all eternity.” - www.museum.care
Jaume Garros Badal, Profesor de la Escuela Internacional de Tarot de Marsella Le·Mat
Mercé Crespí, Meditation & Mindfulness Coaching
Tyler Haze, Magic
Mario Di Lorenzo, Massage
Mauri Maurido, Massage
Manuel Del Rincón, Piano
Alba Roca, Institut Guttmann: Neurorehabilitation Hospital
Rodica Mariana Stanculescu, Violin
Anita Torres, Physicians Assistant
Dr. Gloria Villalba, Neurosurgeon
Gerardo Wistuba, SingerMuchas Gracias!
Mx Justin Vivian Bond, Bar Restaurante Filipinas, David Flores, Ferran Font, Familia Gonzalez, Mary and Robert Hart, Peggy Arraou and Giovanni Jubert, Delia Lanz, Andrew McLeod, OAKANDA, Sara Pons, Veganashi - Sushi Vegà.
Sunday, June 19, 2023
The joint project of Santiago Latorre and Colin Self has also confirmed its own personality. A more than fruitful joint venture and undoubtedly one of the projects of artistic level to take into account not only in the national but also international scene. A sonic and visual experience that can be described as dazzling at times, where the brilliant composer and accurate lyricist from Aragon finds his perfect accomplice in the multidisciplinary artist Colin Self (since 2014 collaborates electronically with Holly Herndon and Mat Dryhurst).
The fan knows of this Latorre-Self collaboration already materialized in the album “Arrchitecture of Friendship”, a work that in an obvious way is the sustenance of what could be seen yesterday in the concert that both offered [...]. In fact, it was a session where above all we could enjoy, at times in an astonishing way, vocal architectures that exuded beauty and brilliant work, conveyed by a cappella songs, autotunes or marvelous harmonies.
And on this occasion, in addition, Latorre has resorted to other collaborators, starting with the intense and brilliant vocalist Nieves Arilla, followed by the keyboardist and sound manipulator Sandra Lanuza and ending with a model-colleague who acted as a scenic guest and who emphasized the marked LGTBI tinge of the project. This aspect, in fact, is the other fundamental pillar of this brilliant complicity, and as shown by the motto proclaimed by Latorre in the song that closed his spectacular performance at Sónar: "Damn heteropatriarchy!"
“A multi-lingual street journal on poverty and wealth, art and society: Arts of the Working Class is published every two months and contains contributions by artists and thinkers from different fields and in different languages. Its terms are based upon the working class, meaning everyone, and it reports everything that belongs to everyone. Everyone who sells this street journal earns money directly. Vendors keep 100% of the sales. Every artist whose work is advertised, designs with us its substance. AWC is published by Paul Sochacki and María Inés Plaza Lazo for the streets of the world.”
https://www.instagram.com/arts_of_the_working_class/Further Reading:
Editors: Paul De Bruyne, Pascal Gielen
Can community art projects generate social change?
Artists, sociologists, cultural critics and philosophers offer a new critical definition of community art.
‘Every kind of change belongs to a form of community art,’ states the Italian philosopher Antonio Negri. This is the inverse of the premise that community art can be an integral component of desired social changes. Negri confronts community art, its supporters and critics with a challenging responsibility, and extends this to include everyone who wants to bring about change in social, political, economic, technological or ecological arenas. Communal and artistic thinking go hand in hand. In Community Art, visual and performing artists and theorists employ diverse modes of thinking and writing to explore the practices and concepts of community art in western and non-western societies. The book does not offer a cut-and-dried theoretical model, but presents a new critical reformulation of community art in society.
Contributors: Tilde Björfors, Bertus Borgers, Paul De Bruyne, Luigi Coppola, An de bisschop, Miguel Escobar Varela, Jan Fabre, Alison M. Friedman, Pascal Gielen, Sonja Lavaert, Carol Martin, Antonio Negri, Alida Neslo, Tessa Overbeek, Lionel Popkin, Richard Schechner, Hein Schoer, Ricky Seabra, Jonas Staal, Klaas Tindemans, Luk Van den Dries, Quirijn Lennert van den Hoogen, Hans van Maanen, Bart Van Nuffelen, Karel Vanhaesebrouck, Zhang Changcheng.
Table of Contents (PDF)
Introduction (PDF)
About the Authors (PDF)
Publisher’s Website
Text by Xavier Acarin:By playing Satie’s work inside a camera obscura, Vexations takes a different tone, one that looks at a world that has become unsettling, uncanny, upside-down. Following Marx, ideology is a camera obscura that reflects an inverted image of social reality according to the interests of the elite, a false truth. In our social order, success is based on possession and dominance over the other, artificial, natural or human, an imagery that captures desires, codifying them into products of consumption that results in an endless unsatisfaction, anxiously waiting for more. We are at a crossroads, crisis or transformation, cooperation or extinction. Erik Satie va compondre Vexations l’any 1893, una peça curta i enigmàtica de poc més de tres minuts de sons enharmònics amb la instrucció de ser tocada 840 vegades. Es creu que Satie va voler atacar a Wagner amb un Anell del Nibelung dels pobres, i demostrar com l’harmonia és una construcció cultural. També es diu que la peça va ser escrita després de que Suzanne Valadon, la seva única amant, el deixes, i sovint s’associa al seu interès per l’esoterisme. Per suposat, la peça no es va interpretar fins l’any 1963, quan John Cage va reunir a dotze pianistes.Martha Curti, militante marxista convertida en monja católica, descifró el misterio de los números, ocho es el nuevo principio, el renacer; cuatro, la tierra, las estaciones, los puntos cardinales; cero, la eternidad, el no-ser, la muerte, y sumados hacen doce, la salvación, el orden cósmico. Siguiendo sus múltiples interpretaciones numerológicas, la pieza acumula una simbología que continua en la partitura, una latencia persistente y con-movedora. En esta ocasión, la pieza interpretada por Manuel del Rincón habitará el espacio convertido en una cámara obscura. Un dispositivo de la modernidad que condensa el conocimiento de la realidad, así como su sospecha.
November 21-23, 2022 | 11am-3pm | Lleida, 39, BCN
A collaboration with photographer Michael Hart, composer Manuel Del Rincon, curator Laura Arensburg, dramaturg Barbara Adams and writer Xavier Acarin.
Music by Erik Satie.
An anti-screening in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Loop Video Art Festival.
A program of Loop City Screen 2022.